Fine Art
photographY & PRINTING
I partook in 'Darkness Calling', an invite only exhibition displaying some excellent prints produced at the Negative Thinking darkroom in the last year. Largely displaying black and white experimental processes, the exhibition featured a variety of artists from around the South West.
My work, shown on the left here, came in two pairs using two different techniques. The top prints show a dramatic Sabattier effect that inverts the highlights to create this eerie, dark, almost Sin City, graphic style while also making smoother subjects look practically metallic. The prints below them utilise the Lith printing technique which utilises a chemical that was originally used in the reproduction of drawings. By diluting this chemical and using an additive, darkroom printers are able to coax out more dynamic range in the image while retaining a stark, contrasty, look.
These processes are done by hand and the multiple stages of Sabattier prints makes each print unique. While the speed at which lith developer is depleted, combined with the vintage of the additive used makes each lith print original.
It is at Negative Thinking and under the master printer, Tim Pearse, that I have been learning to print in the darkroom over the last year. The darkroom and it's workshops have helped foster a buzz around the Bristol photography scene with it's exciting exploration of experimental techniques, some of which are not taught anywhere else in the UK.
*Feel free to get in contact if you'd like to purchase a print from me.
Images photographed and printed in the darkroom by me.

photographY & EDITING
For BLEEEKS' Balance EP cover we used two different locations, distinguished as an urban environment and a natural one, for the front and rear of the EP cover - symbolising balance and symbiosis in his life and lyrics on the EP.
Images photographed and edited by me.

Me & Seb Peters

Simon Doling

Mark Simmons

Nic Kane
photographY & PRINTING
Avon Racket was an exhibition and zine run as a competition and produced by Photographique, the idea was that photos from the history of the south west music scene would be gathered and collated into this publication. My portrait of the rapper BLEEEKS was accepted. I printed this photo as a partial Sabattier in the darkroom which gives it this effect of inverting the highlights. The zine featured other photos from prominent photographers working in the south west and I was proud to be amongst them.
Image photographed and printed in the darkroom by me.
St philips marsh, BRISTOL
St Philips Marsh Community Art Exhibition. 'A diverse collection of locally produced artwork aiming to visualise St Philips Marsh in its past, present and uncertain future in collaboration with workers and residents.' This group show at Little Martha Brewing featured 6 other artists across illustration, photography and textiles; Anurita Chandola, Ian Moore, Lewis Sharman, Marta Zubieta, Rachel Holley and Yasmin Centeno.
Works were created as part of research into the St Philips Marsh area of Bristol, which was conducted due to its imminent redevelopment/'regenerative' plans. Stakeholders in the research included Bristol City Council and the University of Bristol, while the art was also shown in a report, along with research from canvasing the area, to planning and policy makers.
For my part in representing the research, I contacted different businesses involved in the heavy industry on the south side of the marsh and arranged days to come in and shadow the workers. These businesses (from waste management, to concrete and asphalt production) interested me as, even though they are essential to the operation of a city, they always seem to be tucked away and out of sight from the public. Probably considered an eye-sore to most, I loved the buzz of large machines used to create and recycle material - as if I had been transported back to childhood, amazed at the mechanics of kids toys like diggers, trains and bulldozers. I captured the community with documentary style images including portraits, environmental and 'action' shots of them at work. *Special thanks to those that facilitated me visiting their sites!
Pictures feature Abacus Waste and Hanson Concrete, shot and edited by myself.

International photography exhibition
(for IPE #164, showing january 2023)
🌍🌏 BRISTOL > worldwide 🌎🌍
This image was selected for shortlisting in the Royal Photographic Society's International Photography Exhibition (#164), in which 100 photos are selected to be exhibited. There were 3466 entrants and 314 have been selected for shortlisting from 48 countries. The decision for the final photos will be made in September (2022) for the exhibition opening in January 2023.
A bit of info on this image; I was shooting portraits for a music artist BRIZZY BLEEEKS. These were shot fairly candidly as BLEEEKS insisted on not posing for the camera so as to keep true to himself. Later in the shoot, he got a call and I got this beauty. It was shot in November 2020 close to golden hour and the weather was partially cloudy which helped to create the lovely gradient of warm to cool tones across his face.
Shot on Mamiya RB67 (Pro SD) with Kodak Portra 400, developed scanned and edited by myself.
REUBEN TURVEY - Music Artist
Following our last shoot, we had another single cover to make. Reuben showed me the latest version of the track and I came up with a relatively simple concept to reflect the mood. This time he travelled to Bristol, doubling up with a visit to some friends, and we shot in my home studio. As you can see, the covers went through some iterations with the images and graphics (the first two being the final versions). Reuben mentioned the banners of Japanese records as a reference/inspiration and given the track name, masquerade, I initially drew a couple of different Japanese masks that could be used in-between the text. Later we decided they made the cover a bit too busy and that the photo says enough, so we opted for a less is more approach. I made many iterations of the graphics/calligraphy with paint and gel pens on black card before scanning the best ones, cutting them out, rearranging, resizing and colouring them in Photoshop. The fonts are completely unique and if you look closely, you can see the texture of the paint on paper as if all the elements were together, as is, from the get go.
Shot on a medium format DSLR and 35mm film cameras, using Kodak pro image 100 and Kodak Vision 3, developed scanned and edited by myself.

"Fenton has a particularly calming temperament which has made the process of bringing our project to fruition effortless. Fenton’s personality and approach has taken the stress out of an integral side to our artistic vision, providing exciting content and an enjoyable process.
Fenton responded to the content we provided with originality and ingenuity. Within the parameters of two contrasting songs, Fenton translated emotional and vulnerable lyrical content into a set of high quality images which appropriately reflect the themes. Our vision as a brand is to champion DIY culture with care and exquisite quality at every stage of the process, and Fenton has definitely understood and supported us in achieving this."

Greenpeace (UK)
(produced by Enviral)
Following 'The Big Plastic Count' campaign (see below) was this production where the results of the count were expressed along with the call to action to sign the petition to make the government take greater responsibility of our waste and recycling (of which only 12% is actually recycled, the rest; sent to other countries to deal with - often ending up in the sea, it's also burned and sent to landfill). The video is a state of alarm that urges people to sign petitions to fix the UK's plastic waste crisis and the global plastics treaty:
"Plastic produced by the oil industry and big corporations is ruining the health of communities across the world. It's killing wildlife, poisoning the land and being dumped in oceans.
To make matters worse, microplastics are building up in the air we breathe, our food and even our bodies.
Plastic pollution is a global problem that needs a global solution. But hope is on the horizon. A ‘Global Plastics Treaty’ is gaining momentum."
To make matters worse, microplastics are building up in the air we breathe, our food and even our bodies.
Plastic pollution is a global problem that needs a global solution. But hope is on the horizon. A ‘Global Plastics Treaty’ is gaining momentum."
For this shoot I was responsible for picking up the props along with some equipment such as industrial fans (30° that day), gazebos etc. in a long wheel base van. On the day I was one of two runners and was given the duty of assisting the camera crew due to my knowledge of the various elements of the work. In-between making use of myself to the crew, I also took some behind the scenes photos that you see opposite. This was the first time I've used and developed motion picture film (Kodak Vision 3, shot as stills) which involves the additional step of removing the remjet layer - a black, waxy, layer on the back of the film. Some room for improvement there as you may be able to see in some pictures with white marks (having been inverted from the negative).
BTS photos here taken by me on a point and shoot 35mm film camera, developed, scanned and edited by me.
(produced by Enviral)
Role: Runner
Ecologi is a service that helps people take climate change action into their own hands by planting trees that essentially offset your carbon footprint. They have a search engine that plants trees when you use it and they also have a subscription service whereby you can pay £5, £10 or £19 a month for them to plant enough trees to offset 1/3, 1 or 2x the average carbon footprints. On this shoot I was mostly a location marshal; checking crew and cast in along with covid testing, communicating with radios, persuading pedestrians to divert, also tending to cast and crew. The video here is what was produced on the day, and if you click on the yellow link above, you can sign up too!

Taking some shots of Reuben's eye later with an improvised cone on the flash


reuben turvey (music artist)
portrait & concept shoot - Album art / Promotion
role: Concept / photography / editing
I'm excited to share the finished product for this! After listening to his music, Reuben and I shot in parks in London for a concept relating to one of two singles he will be releasing in a few months. The concept is based around the title, lyrics and emotion of the single and we shot various options that capture two slightly different moods. Tapping into the various characteristic elements of the song, the art can then be chosen depending on what fits the finished track best. We then caught up with Harry Cross where they both DJ'd for a party. Looking forward to shooting again soon in Bristol for the second single!
Also, meet the prettiest dog I ever did greet*
Phone images from the day and night, medium format portraits with Portra 160, 400 & Ektar 100, developed, scanned and edited by myself.
(produced by Enviral)
Role: Camera Assisstant
There was a lovely crew on this shoot, Enviral pride themselves on producing things that push the agenda of green living all while being green themselves, of course. The campaign aims to get households in the UK to be part of 'the big plastic count' whereby Greenpeace will gather information to prove just how bad the waste crisis is with the UK sending our 'recycling' overseas where it is dumped in the sea (see Greenpeace article here). On these three days I assisted the camera operator and focus puller with setting up and moving equipment, including monitors for directors/clients, charging batteries and using the clapper board. I was also responsible for taking all the camera gear to and from the locations each day in the van. I took a few (point and shoot) behind the scenes pictures too which you see here. Check out the finished video here.
BTS photos here taken by me on a point and shoot 35mm film camera, developed, scanned and edited by moi.


CONCEPT & promotional art // Portraits
role: co-Concept / photography / editing
Dan (of Chewing Glass Collective) has a conviction and openness to try different things to attain a great photo that makes him a pleasure to work with. On this shoot he wanted to create images that were grimy and somewhat disturbing to accompany the dark and heavy music that he creates through collaboration. We set out to the forest, lake and cliffside as the sun set and used long exposures and flash to create some eerie imagery that could be used for promotion. Distorting the images slightly with grainy effects and adjustment curves in post, I would consider the mission a success.
Photos here taken by me on a DSLR and 35mm Camera, developed, scanned and edited by yours truly.